
Biotechnology for a circular bioeconomy

Biotechnology for a circular bioeconomy

Cuándo / When

28 marzo, 2023 - 29 marzo, 2023    
Todo el día / All day

Categoría / Category

The European Federation of Biotechnology and the Asian Federation of Biotechnology organise the conference
Biotechnology for a circular bioeconomy: carbon capture, waste recycling and mitigation of global warming.

This online event will explore the recent research on the circular bioeconomy in the following topics:

– carbon capture for energy
– from waste and wastewater to valuable products
– biotechnology to mitigate climate change and global warming
– towards a circular bioeconomy: progress and bottlenecks

The conference will include:
– keynote lectures by the top European and Asian scientists
– short talks and flash talks selected from submitted abstracts
– poster presentations
– job board
– opportunity to share your CV with the participating business partners

Abstract submission
Scientists from academia and industry are invited to submit abstracts describing original research in one of the conference topics.
Abstracts deadline extended until 15 March 2023.
Abstract guidelines and topics: CircularBioeconomyabstractsubmission.pdf