
Plastics: Challenges and Biotechnological Solutions

Plastics: Challenges and Biotechnological Solutions

Cuándo / When

20 marzo, 2024    
9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Categoría / Category

Society depends heavily on plastics for the vast majority of objects essential for everyday life. They are present in our furniture and toys, in the packaging of our foods and beverages, and even in the pharmaceuticals and cosmetics we use. However, only a small minority of plastic waste is usefully recycled.

European Federations o Biotechnology (EFB), along with AFOB (the Asian Federation of Biotechnology), is organising this virtual  meeting to explore the range of new biobased materials, suitable for recycling or rapid biodegradation, that are becoming available.

The reception of abstracts is open (previous registration is required) and the registration fee is only 28 euro.

More information and registration