7th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe
The 7th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe (ASBE VII) is organised by the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) Bioengineering and Bioprocessing Division and the EFB Microbial Biotechnology Division. The event will be held on 6-8 November 2024 in Brno, Czech Republic.
The meeting will bring together key partners from academia, industry and the third sector interested in using synthetic biology, engineering biology and applied microbiology to address global challenges. The format is designed to mix international guest lectures by renowned scientists with shorter presentations by early career researchers. The programme has a strong ED&I focus, with invited talks and presentations selected from submitted abstracts to showcase not only the diversity of this interdisciplinary field, but also the diversity of the community driving the research visions. The event is supported by the European Synthetic Biology Society (EUSynBioS).
This meeting has been selected by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) to offer grants for event participation for Early Career Scientists. Find more information and the application form in the event website.